

"Lord, give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word.
Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders
be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”
- Acts 4:29-30

It was something bold... something new... something real. The Council hauled Peter and John in because they were doing things that were audaciously bold, strikingly new, and so very authentically real. And after the Council had their say, Peter and John rejoined the other Followers of Christ and prayed for great boldness to keep doing what they were doing.

This is the new Church at its finest. Not worried about having the biggest building, best technology, smoothest service, or abundant wealth. Their ministry focused on one thing: boldly speaking this new and real Message.

This is our prayer and desire here at eXodus. The Savior, the Message, the Church, the Servants and everything related to these things are called to be BOLD, to be NEW, and to be REAL. For too long the churches of our nation have been timid and relied too much on tradition while hiding behind the masks.


With this first blog, I wanted to make sure everyone knew clearly what the ministry here at eXodus is about: we are about our Father's business. We are living in the generation that will see the Second Coming of Christ. Our time is drastically running out. This generation needs for us to do whatever it takes to reach them. They need to hear the Message of God's love and saving grace. They need to know that a modern exodus is possible, one out of those chains that bind them everyday.

They need us to be bold. new. real.