
Why Don't I Always Feel God?


Why don’t I feel the presence of God? Why do good things happen to bad people? Why am I here? Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?

The scripture says if you will seek your Heavenly Father, you will find Him. And He’ll never leave you nor forsake you. So, oftentimes you feel so close to God, why is it at other times you feel like He’s so far away?

Today, we’re starting a brand new series. It is called, “Why?” Next week, we’ll deal with the topic, “Why does it seem like God doesn’t answer my prayers?” Everybody else prays, and their prayers seem to get answered, but often it feels like mine are hitting the ceiling. Today, though, we are going to deal with the question, “Why don’t I always feel the presence of God?" Now let's try this... how many of you would say that at some point in your life, you honestly believe you've felt the presence of God? Ok... so how you do you know? Some people would talk about goose bumps while others would say they cried. But we get those feelings when watching a movie or cutting onions. And for those of us who haven't felt God's presence in a while, who's fault it that? Is it His? Is it ours? Did God look down at us and say, "I'm going to reveal Myself to everyone else but you"?

We’re going to look today at some Biblical reasons as to why, perhaps, you are not experiencing the presence of God. Now these reasons are certainly not a complete list; it's just a few things I want to throw out because I've dealt with these things myself. Why don't I always feel God? Let’s talk about some possibilities.

Maybe you're oversensationalizing it. John 6:29-30
The first one is this: Maybe for you, like others, you occasionally are over sensationalizing it. Take a look at John 6:29-30. Notice how Jesus answers their question by pointing out that it's belief, not miracles, that's important. But they still kept pressing Jesus to "do a sign" to prove Himself to them. They didn't get it! Course, aren't we always demanding a sign from God? "God, if you want me to do this, then give me this sign..."

Now, let me say here that God can and does suprenatural acts, miraculous things that get our attention and let's us know He's real. And we can experience Him that way. The burning bush experience that Moses had can still happen today. But we can't fall into this trap that we must always "feel God." A charismatic jump with twirling ladies and people jumping pews, aka. Red Bull Church, has the same experiences with God that a traditional, formal, ARP or Methodist church. The end point being this - don't look for those outward signs and supernatural acts that prove God is or isn't working with you.

Maybe you haven't been obeedient. John 14:21
You might have some unfinished business with God. God showed you something that He wanted you to do and you haven't fulfilled what He called you to do. Look at John 14:21 where Jesus it talking. Notice this - He says, "Whoever has my commands and obeys them." And here's the cool part - we obey those commandments, that shows we love Him, and who loves Him is loved by the Father, and "I will show Myself to him."

He who obeys, Jesus reveals Himself to. If you disobey, you may miss out on some of the presence of Jesus. When God says do this, and we don't, then we lose some of that intimacy that we have with Him. Think about Moses. If Moses had said no when at the burning bush, I honestly believe he would have lost a great deal of intimacy with God. Because when we say no, when we disobey God, it's simply moving Him out of center stage and moving us into that place. We, the i am nots, try to become the I AM.

Maybe you've built a wall of sin. Isaiah 59:1-2
Just like you can build a wall between you and someone else here, you can build a wall between you and God. Isaiah says, "Your sins have hidden His face from you." So how do we build a wall of sin? Well, brick by brick, as we don't confess and turn away from our sins, we build that wall. And I'm not talking biggies either. Maybe you told a little bitty white lie earlier today - there's brick one. And then you were driving down the road and looked over at the car next to you, a really nice luxury one, and became a little envious of that person. You really wanted that car, no matter what it takes to get it. And then you drive down the road a little bit farther, someone cuts you off, and you start shouting "Holy Blessed Moses" at them. Brick after brick is being built here. Anger, greed, lust, and a whole host of other "little" sins that start stacking up into one big wall. And this wall cuts us off from God's presence. It cuts us off from that intimacy.

To tear the wall down is real simple - confess them and turn away from doing those things. The Word tells us that if we confess our sin, and turn from those ways, then God is faithful and just to forgive your sin.

Presence Promises. Jeremiah 29:13-14 , Matthew 18:20
Now, shifting gears for a moment, take a look at these verses. God promises His prsence to us through these. God's not trying to play some hide and seek game. For those that want Him, you will find Him. His presence is promised!