
All Out War

"We live in a perpetual battlefield... The wars among the nations on earth are mere popgun affairs compared to the fierceness of battle in the spiritual unseen world. This invisible spiritual conflict is waged around us incessantly and unremittingly. Where the Lord works, satan's forces hinder; where angel beings carry out divine directives, the devils rage. All this comes about because the powers of darkness press their counterattack to recapture the ground held for the glory of God..."

- Dr. Billy Graham, Angels
As Followers of Christ, we are spiritual warriors and we are continually engaged in warfare regardless of if we realize it or not. And just like warriors in the physical, worldly sense, we must be trained in the art, tactics, and strategies of this spiritual war.

This Tuesday night, we start a new series called "All About War: Investigating Spiritual Warfare." We're going to be looking at every possible aspect of this spiritual war that we're engaged in. Join us in learning the art of spiritual warfare!

Tuesdays at 7PM

For more info, check out our website!